Full Professor (Catedrático)

Araceli Sanchis de Miguel (Head of the Group)
Office: 2.1.B11
email: masm at inf.uc3m.es

Associate Professor (Profesor Titular)

Paula de Toledo Heras
Office: 2.1.C07
email: paula.detoledo at uc3m.es

Agapito I. Ledezma Espino
Office: 2.1.B15
email: ledezma at inf.uc3m.es

José Antonio Iglesias Martínez
Office: 2.1.B17
email: jiglesia at inf.uc3m.es

Visiting Professor (Profesor Visitante)

Juan Manuel Alonso Weber
Office: 2.1.C09
email: jmaw at ia.uc3m.es

María Paz Sesmero Lorente
email: msesmero at inf.uc3m.es 

Post PhD Researcher (Investigador Doctor)

Ascensión López Vargas
Office: 2.1.B14
email: aslopezv@inf.uc3m.es

PhD Student (Doctorando)

Óscar Sipele Siale
Office: 2.2.C01 (right)
email: bsipele at inf.uc3m.es